Review: Garnethill

Hey everyone! So, I'm back with a new post and it's going to be another review! Yay, I'm currently working through my fourth book for the month. So, for today I'll be reviewing "Garnethill" by Denise Mina.
The Story is about a woman name Maureen O'Donnell who woke up on morning to find her boyfriend dead in her living room. She of course is the prime suspect to his murder, but she does all she can to clear her name.
What I thought:
So, this story was quite interesting and I ended up liking it. There were a lot of moments where I really wanted to punch a couple of characters square in their face. Like Maureen's mom Winnie, who is a bitch and a damn alkie. One of the detectives name Joe McEwan. There are plenty of more, but I don't want to go into full detail. Maureen's best friend Leslie and her brother Liam were likable characters. Liam more so, because all he wants to do is protect his little sister. Leslie does too and help Maureen out in any way she can.
I kind of got confused on how the book was wrote and there were sentences that didn't seem right to me, but it could be just because the book is based in Scotland. I also, found myself annoyed at how somethings were written, but all and all it was a really good book and I really would recommend it.
Well, that's it from me. It's a short post, I know, I had a crazy day! I'll be back on Wed with a new post. Until then, I hope you all have a great day/night where ever you are and I'll write to you all later!