The Cuteness of Anne of Green Gables a review

Anne of Green Gables Novels #1 - L.M. Montgomery

Hello hello everyone and how are you all?! I am doing so great! I know I haven't been back for quiet some time and there is no excuse. But, I am back and I'm excited to be back. So, for today as you can see I am going to be doing another review and that is Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery and I have read this a while ago and I am now here to share what I thing about.




Anne Shirley is an orphan who has been finally been given a home with a brother and sister Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. But, what she didn't know and what they didn't know was that she's a girl. Marilla had wanted a boy to help out her brother. It was a misunderstanding and Anne was sent instead. Marilla wanted to send Anne back right away, but changed her mind. Anne now has a home and she is off having an adventure at her new home. 


My Thought


This book I ended up adoring and had wished to have discovered this as a young girl. It brought back memories of my own adventures as a kid and the crazy imagination that I used and still use!


Anne is just very cheerful, spunky, and very talkative. She lives inside her head a lot and I find I related to her because of that. The fact that she is a bit of a tomboy is just fun and not allowing herself to be completely afraid of certain adventures. There are a couple of things that was quite hard to read about and that is one her stubbornness. Two the fact that she brings herself down, because of not looking like every other girl and that is heartbreaking to read.


Now, there is a quote that I found funny when she first arrived and coming home with Matthew and it's about her talkative nature. It's both sweet and funny, it reminds me of how we were as children and how children still are it goes.


"It's such a relief to talk when one wants to be and not be told that children should be seen and not heard. I've had that said to me a million times if I have once. And people laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas you have to use big words to express them, haven't you?"


I just enjoyed it and just laughed because it's something we all do as children.


Marilla at first I didn't like because of her treatment towards Anne at first, to make her feel bad that she wasn't a boy. It wasn't Anne's fault. But as time went by she became likable.


Matthew is just sweet as pie and the love he had towards Anne is just what he needed to be more open and just enjoy her life. I liked him from the get go and enjoyed the chemistry between him and Anne. A father/Daughter love.


Mrs. Rachel Lynde I did not like at the get go, the nosy neighbor who has to know everyone's business and she drove me crazy. I'm not gonna lie I did enjoy how Anne treated her when Rachel called her ugly. But she got somewhat likable in the end.


Diana is just what Anne need and the fact that she took to Anne right away was just so sweet. She is bubbly and fun as well.


Gilbert the poor thing I felt bad for him on how Anne treated him, because of one stupid mistake he did to her. But he is a sweet and kind boy, with a bit of mischief, but gives Anne fuel.


This story is just again just adorable and cute. I would love to continue reading the rest of the books. I was happy to see that Anne had gotten over her stubbornness towards Gilbert and allow herself to enjoy him. I would recommend this to the young girls at heart, and young girls. To mothers and daughters. I can't recommend this enough.


Well, I have come to an end. I'm so happy to be back with a post. I will be back next Friday with a brand new post. Until then I hope you all have a fantastic day/night where ever you are and I'll write to you next week!


Later Days <3