Updates and Stuff and Stuff

Good Hello everyone!


It's been a long time, I know, I have no excuse, I'm just lazy! I hate to admit that, but I have not been in a creative mood. I would tell myself "I'll return" and I don't. It has taking me this long to really sit down and plan out when it'll be a good day to post something. I figured why not today! 


My hope and goal is to again try to post at least once a week, on Fridays so that way I have time to write out what I want to write and share with you all. I have been all over the place with my life and I just want to make a come back, I do have time, but I also started a job too.


I have a lot to write about and too share, I'm also going to try to tone down my violent ways of thinking... haha (wish me luck!). I'm going to share: book discussions, lessons learned, how I would react to a book world, and whatever I can come up with. I will also throw in book reviews, but I'm having a slow time reading. I have about eight books I want to get to. Which are


Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (reread and buddy read) 

Storm Prey by John Sandford

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

Ashes to Ashes by Tami Hoag

The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson

And The Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich

Is You Okay? by Glozell Green


These eight are just a continuous TBR, I don't have a specific reading goal for the month, it's when one book is done, pick a new one. I'm focusing on getting my own personal library down quite a lot, because I don't want an never ending TBR list on my shelf lol! I put myself on a no buying ban until I can read a specific amount of books and then I will buy new ones. And, the three I bought during the New Year doesn't count...ok yeah, I broke it within the first week of January, but they were saying "buy me" so, I did and I was happy about it! :D Then, I followed through on the no buying ban! So, I'm good! 


Well, I've been blabbing on for to long and I'm gonna leave this here for you all to enjoy. I'll be back (terminator voice) next Friday, with a brand new post. I hope you all are excited, because I am...Have an awesome weekend and enjoy yourselves follow readers!




 Also, I have two books read, but counter isn't working!